Serves four.
Preparation time 20 mins and 1:15 hours roasting and simmering
At this time of year tomatoes aren’t necessarily at their best but ironically you don’t want hot tomato soup in the summer do you! Roasting the ingredients makes life very easy and also adds loads of caramelised sugary flavours as well as concentrating and deepening them. I’ve added a little Heston Blumenthal’s trick I saw on one his programmes which is to add the vines from the tomatoes to the stewing soup as they contain the essence of tomatoes and add extra flavour. You do need to remember to remove them like the bay leaves before liquidising the soup though.
3.5 kg mix of tomatoes I used vine and little yellow plum shaped cherries.
2 medium red onions
3 bay leaves
1 tbsp dried Oregano
A few glugs of olive oil
A good squirt of tomato puree
A good squirt of ketchup
Pinch of dried chillies
Splash of Worcester sauce
Caster sugar to taste.
Salt & pepper.
I made some cheesy toasties and added a swirl of cream.
1. Pre heat the oven 180 oC.
3. Place the tommies in a large roasting dish and peel and quarter the onions and add to the pan.
4. Season the veg, splash with oil and mix them around,
5. Put in the hot oven and leave to roast for 30-40 mins until they have coloured and roasted but not burnt.
6. Next empty the roasting dish into large sauce pan and add the rest of the ingredients (including the retained stalks) except the sugar. If it needs it add water to stop the mixture sticking, just a bit.
7. Stir and put on the heat to simmer covered with a lid until the tomatoes are collapsed and the flavours blended.
8. Now taste the soup if it’s too sour add the sugar (to counter the acid in the tomatoes) and also adjust the seasoning.
9. Remove the tomatoes stalks and bay leaves and blend, you made need to add a little water to help the whizzing.
10. Return to the pan and reheat and adjust the amount of fluid and check the seasoning and serve.
11. Add a swirl of cream it might look a bit 70’s but it tastes good and add some bread or toast perfection.